Meet The CareJoy Team - Bradley Oates

Meet our amazing team

Grab a cuppa and meet the CareJoy team. We're starting with one of our Theatres and Endoscopy Division Team Leads, Bradley Oates.


What's your name and role with CareJoy?

I’m Bradley Oates and one of the Team Leaders for the Theatre and Endoscopy Division at CareJoy.


What's the best part of your role?

Personally, I love the flexibility of it and how most days are different as I am speaking to new people. I enjoy building relationships with existing candidates but enjoy meeting and speaking to new people too.

Finally, I also really enjoy meeting candidates and clients in a less formal manner when we meet them at social events and conferences.


How long have you worked with CareJoy?

I joined CareJoy in November 2020 - so roughly two and a half years.


What do you enjoy most about working at CareJoy?

I really love the great relationships with the whole team here. It’s a great atmosphere, with lots of motivational competitions and training too.

There is a clear growth structure for each person here. We are all given set targets/KPIs which are regularly reviewed to reach the next step in our career. We also have Career pathways so we can see where we are and where we can get to.


What was your first job?

I’ve worked in and around recruitment since finishing sixth form.

My first job was as a Business Administration Apprentice.
I worked across the Business Development team and Recruitment desks, and it grew my interest in working in a Recruitment role.


You must sing karaoke, what song do you pick?

That’s an easy decision, I’d choose “That’s Life” by Frank Sinatra.

I’d happily get up and belt out a few tunes at a karaoke. But I’ll keep my guilty pleasures for the shower and car.


Are you spending a long weekend on a beach, city, or mountains/countryside?

I’d definitely choose somewhere in the Lake District. I’d book a massive lodge for a load of my friends.

We would fill our days with walking, swimming, and all things outdoors.

At night we’d enjoy some food and drinks, beer pong, karaoke, a roaring fire…the whole nine yards!



Keep your eyes peeled for the next instalment of "Meet the CareJoy team" and find out more about our staff.

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